


学习+宝博体育 in 巴塞罗那

学习+宝博体育 in 巴塞罗那 可用的会议

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巴塞罗那的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. The program allows you to make progress toward your academic degree and remain on track for graduation, while developing the top 技能 employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. 在节目中, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, 但可能包括:学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements. Learn more about the options and benefits of a CEA CAPA internship.


  • 概述
  • 地点:
  • 巴塞罗那
  • 日期:
  • 5/22/24 - 7/7/24
  • 价格:
  • $6,995
  • 学分:
  • 6
  • 最后期限
  • 申请:
  • 2/8/24
  • 撤销:
  • 3/8/24
  • 应用程序需求
  • 完整的应用程序
  • 文字记录-非官方
  • 利益声明书
  • 网上申请费$95
  • Program Participation Agreement
  • 简历/简历
  • 资格
  • 外语
  • English-speaking placements are available.
  • 其他:
  • 在加拿大或墨西哥注册的学生,如果本国机构接受美国成绩单和学分,则符合资格.
  • 其他:
  • 在申请时, 必须是目前正在攻读学位的本科生,或者在过去6个月内从认可的美国高等教育机构毕业并获得本科学位.
  • 其他:
  • By start of program, must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 其他:
  • Must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at your home institution.
  • 最低
  • 2.5
  • 教育
  • 在申请时, must have completed at least 1 year of full-time undergraduate coursework at a higher education institution.
Additional Internship Documents (As Requested)

请注意, if you are applying for a placement in Spanish, you will be asked to submit your Resume and 利益声明书 in both English and Spanish.

You may be required to submit additional documents, depending on the needs of your CEA CAPA Global Internship Program. CEA CAPA代表将在您提交初始申请后与您联系,以收集我们可能需要的任何其他文件.

These additional documents may include, but are not limited to:

  • 专业的作品集
  • 推荐信
  • Police 回来ground checks: If you are applying for a placement working with vulnerable populations or children, or if CEA CAPA identifies a placement opportunity with or connected to such an organization, 很有可能你会被要求在美国和某些地点的东道国完成警察背景调查.

Located on the Plaza Catalunya in the heart of the city, the CEA CAPA巴塞罗那中心 offers courses in a range of subjects, taught in English and Spanish. Learning takes place both in and out of the classroom, with instructors taking full advantage of 巴塞罗那’s many notable sites and attractions. 

当你宝博体育的时候 巴塞罗那,你可以选择 CEA CAPA住房 or arrange your own independent 住房. CEA CAPA住房 assignments are based on availability and confirmation date; we make every effort to match your 住房 requests, but we can’t guarantee 住房 preferences.


For your CEA CAPA Internship program, you will simultaneously intern at your host organization, and take our mandatory 环球宝博体育课程. Your internship work schedule will be established once you arrive, and may vary depending on your career field and host organization. 

Internship 放置 Duration and 小时:
你将在你所在的机构宝博体育6周或8周,每周完成20小时(6周总共120小时,8周总共160小时)。. 你可能会在周一至周五的标准工作时间宝博体育,你的宝博体育可能包括面对面的宝博体育, 远程, and hybrid work depending on the needs of your host organization.

You will take the 环球宝博体育课程 alongside your internship placement. 这个专业发展课程是为你的宝博体育而设计的,这样你就可以充分利用你在国外的宝博体育机会. You will learn how to understand and articulate the value of your internship through the lens of NACE Career Readiness Competencies that employers crave, which will help you stand out to future employers and graduate schools. 您还将参与现场文化讨论,这将增强您的全球视野和跨文化意识之间的项目所在地和美国.S. The course comprises of reading, 写作, 还有口头作业, including building an e-portfolio, 完成模拟面试, developing your online professional presence, 做最后的陈述, conducting industry field research work, 和更多的. 您还可以利用额外的CEA CAPA指导和职业准备研讨会来补充您在课程中学到的知识. 

您将通过全球宝博体育课程和您在宝博体育安排中的表现获得国外宝博体育的学分. You will enroll in the course for 3 credits and complete 20 hours per week at your internship placement.

In addition to taking the 环球宝博体育课程 and completing your internship placement, you will choose 1 additional CEA CAPA courses to take from the catalog of course options available to you. By taking and elective course to complement the internship portion of your program, you will be able to make progress toward your degree and graduation requirements, 最大化你的学习, and gain a richer cultural experience while you are abroad. 

Each elective course meets for 45 contact hours/3 credits. Elective courses generally meet 2 times per week, Monday-Thursday; however required active learning components may be scheduled on Fridays. 请记住这一点, as you will be expected to prioritize your courses over any personal travel on Fridays. You may earn a total of 6 credits during your program.

NACE-Certified Career Coaching & 宝博体育安排流程
Once you’ve submitted your application and required documents for your internship program, your career development adventure will begin! You will be assigned your very own NACE-Certified Career 发展 & 宝博体育专家,, 谁将在出发前一对一地指导你完成宝博体育安排流程的步骤和截止日期. Your Specialist will be your main point of contact for your internship prior to your departure. They will be happy to answer any questions you might have, and will also provide you with personalized career coaching, 根据需要, so you are set up for success for your internship abroad.

In addition to working with your Career 发展 & 宝博体育专家,, 在宝博体育安排过程中,您将与您所在地区的国内国际宝博体育协调员以及您的潜在东道国主管进行接触. 您的国际宝博体育协调员将从您的申请材料中提取来源,并为您匹配最符合您独特经历的个性化宝博体育安排, 技能, 职业兴趣, and goals for your internship abroad. 也请注意, your host site supervisor will retain the final decision on the finalization of your placement, so it’s important to approach your interview with your host site supervisor with maturity, 适应性, 好奇心, and commitment to both your 职业兴趣 and the host organization.


The host institution has offered the following courses in the past. 请注意 that course listings may not be finalized until the start of the term; we’ll post an updated list when the host institution finalizes its offerings.

*课程 with an asterisk indicate that the course has been associated with multiple subject areas.
Please click on the course title to view additional subject areas and detailed course information.


走出去探索! 远足 are offered for most semester, year, and summer programs*. 学期学生通常有两到三次短途旅行,暑期学习学生通常有一到两次短途旅行. You'll receive a calendar of excursions during 取向; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.

赫罗纳 & Besalu

赫罗纳 & Besalu

The charming walled town of 赫罗纳 is one of 西班牙's most prosperous and enticing cities. Explore historical remnants of the diverse cultures that have influenced the city through the ages, walk along the steep alleyways of the Jewish quarter, 参观众多艺术博物馆之一, and enjoy beautiful views of the Onyar River. Nearby Besalu is a stunning medieval town designated as a historical national property. You’ll travel in time just by wandering its streets.



As 西班牙’s capital and largest cosmopolitan city, lively 马德里 is known for its friendly locals and innovative art and culture. 参观普拉多博物馆, which houses Spanish and European paintings from the 12th to 18th century, and view modern art at the acclaimed Reina Sofia National Art Centre. Stroll around 马德里’s most famous arcaded square, the Plaza Mayor. Visit the Royal Palace and beautiful Park El Retiro. 马德里的文化多样性和世界闻名的艺术博物馆保证为每个人的口味提供一些东西.



探索著名的卡瓦(加泰罗尼亚香槟)的诞生地,同时探索葡萄园和pened酒厂的地下酒窖, learning about the wine-making process, 品尝葡萄酒. Finish the day with a typical Catalan lunch, where you can try favorites like pa amb tomàquet.



At the northeastern edge of the Pyrenees, Vall de Boí is known for its scenic landscape and for its nine tiny Romanesque churches, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 欣赏令人惊叹的建筑和绘画,然后在令人惊叹的艾格埃斯托尔特国家公园徒步旅行.



This budget contains costs that you can take to your financial aid office. 请注意 that amounts may fluctuate; we’ve included a range of costs.

联邦法律允许使用经济援助来支付留学的“合理”费用,包括往返交通费用, tuition and fees for the program, 生活成本, 护照和签证费, 健康保险, 和更多的.

请注意 that all costs and charges listed below are subject to change without notice. With the exception of Program Price, all costs are estimates and may vary.



Below is a tentative itinerary for your program. 请注意, dates and events below may change without prior notification. 联系 CEA CAPA before purchasing airline tickets.

You will receive a finalized itinerary once you arrive onsite.

注:额外的文化活动/短途旅行或必修课程相关的活动可能会纳入您的最终行程. You are advised not to make personal travel arrangements until you have the final dates.


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*By providing your mobile number, 您同意定期收到来自海外CAPA教育的短信,通知您重要的课程截止日期. Message and data rates may apply.

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